
3:37 PM

Now let me ask you this: If you were to choose between two doors, one labeled as "average" and the other labeled as "beautiful", where would you go?

Last April 27 to 28, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) held a Free Being Me Workshop Seminar in Tagaytay City — of which, I really felt honored to be part of. Free Being Me is a global revolution aimed to improve body confidence and self-esteem among young people and women. In partnership with Dove and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the GSP aims to be part of this empowering and meaningful movement. 

This 2-day seminar has taught me so much. All the activities and sessions with the girls made me feel more confident and beautiful with my own body, and with myself.

Our generation today takes so much concern about physical appearance. Media and society has made it known for us what the "perfect" girl may look like. It could be someone who is tall, fair-skinned, with a pointy nose, on-fleek brows or whatever. To some of you, this may not be a problem (then good for you, keep it up), but most teenagers today do feel insecure and just want to fit in to this (somehow impossible) norm  like I did.

Now don't get me wrong, of course it is also important for us to look decent and presentable around others but feeling bad about yourself and your own skin is a whole different thing.

Beauty comes in different forms. It isn't and shouldn't be bounded by physical definitions. Beauty goes deeper than that, beyond what is met by the human eye. If you are smart, then I think that's beautiful. If you play great on an instrument, then I think that's beautiful. If you treat other people appropriately and how they should be treated, then I think that's beautiful. 
I believe that one's beliefs, personality, skills, or mind could make a person more beautiful. 

Stop pretending, trying to be someone liked by others because you'll end up being someone not liked by yourself. Remember that you are your own greatest critic. We should all prevent ourselves from setting unrealistic standards for our bodies, and stop listening to what society or media sets as beautiful. No one really has the exact standards to define what beauty is.

Accept and love your flaws and imperfections, that is what makes you, YOU. Know that you are beautiful and you are loved. There will be no one else like you (Isn't just the thought of being unique, and having no one else like you already amazing?). Devote your time in more meaningful things that will help you grow and leave a mark wherever you go. A pretty face isn't eternal, but a kind and beautiful heart is. 

Embrace yourself, whoever you are. Do what makes you feel beautiful both in and out, and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. You are a work of God, and each of us is His very own masterpiece. 

You should be proud and comfortable in your own skin. Yes of course, this may not be easy and wouldn't happen all at once  it is a process we all go through. Just take your time, grow, discover your potential in the process, and accept and appreciate the beautiful things you already have. 

Now let's go back to the question I raised earlier: If you were to choose between two doors, one labeled as "average" and the other labeled as "beautiful", where would you go? 
Well initially, before all of this happened, without second thoughts I'd sure go for the door labeled as average. But after learning, knowing my mistakes, and seeing myself in a better perspective, I'd now proudly step through the "beautiful" door. As one woman said in Dove's Choose Beautiful commercial, "Beautiful is a great word, so why not see what's on the other side of that?"

After reading this, I hope you feel more confident with who you are because I surely did after that Friday. Most
 of you may already know what I've just talked about but sometimes we need a little reminder, don't you think? I will do my best to see the beauty in everyone, and appreciate their uniqueness. Continue to empower everyone around you, and remind them that they are undoubtedly beautiful. 

Celebrate individuality. I am beautiful and so are you, claim it. :)

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